Starting with a Destroyer platform and drilling two holes (spine and body plugs), threaded a paper clip through (with an insulated cord segment as the main connected piece) and sealed this between the lids of two canisters (from glow-sticks). Head is a bead with three flayer nozzles in a triangle and legs are pieces of fine-cast sprue (from Cryptek). Three on each side as legs and the two centre to be the array arms. Based on the new models with a hint of the old, looks kinda naff now but am confident it will look mean when complete.
Destroyer torso, not sure. Don't really need another Lord (have three converted ones) as well as my Overlord. Army wise, I could make a converted Destroyer or another Lord, or convert him into an Immortal. That would mean seven of them on hand as due to his bulk I consider this guy one of my Immortals.
Fresh from Cyberton. Photo doesn't do it justice. Its "so wrong" but so right. I'm at a point where I have ideas for things but they don't fit within what I have in the Force Org Chart. - Like a Triarch Stalker, Lychguards and an Abattoir (read Hell-forged by Ben Counter and image a tank with a Monolith state line).
It can't be any worse than my first two official games (with my own army). Against the Khornates led by Kharn (in a good mood, killing none of his own guys), my guys did okay, a Daemon Prince and a Greater Daemon being two of the stand out causalities, the latter being held up for four rounds against my Wraiths (pictures up when painting done). Against Ultramarines though...
Not so much. All dead, complete rout and only a handful of kills to show for it. Obviously the 2nd had a bitch about us to the 4th and they are still sore from Damnos. Psykers suck.
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