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Thursday, 25 August 2011

Wraith Conversion

For some inexplicable reason I used today as a day to begin my conversion of Necron Warrior to Necron Wraith.  And finished it.

Converted Wraith.  He eventually become parts.  His hand in specific on my Necron Overlord.
I have a fair bit on my mind and I've found its a nice way to switch things off until later. So having finished my Kroot and not being able to do any more on my Necron Immortals (need green acrylic rods from hobby shop - yellow, red and blue offering not nearly enough "pop" although may do one of each, I wanted to keep the green I got with the last lot of Warriors for my Destroyers). Anyway.

There he is.  A bread tag, old wires, a twist tie, a bit of sprue and a lot of glue.  Will put up later photos (if anyone actually reads this or does in the future as I paint and such).

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